Oral exams are very thorough examinations of your entire oral health, not just your teeth. Recommended every 3-5 years, oral exams help your dentist collect more information than a dental cleaning or checkup and establish a baseline to compare the progress or decline of your oral wellness.
Oral exams are just one of Bright Now! Dental’s comprehensive dental services, and another way we help you maintain good oral health for a lifetime.
Oral exams are an opportunity for your dentist to screen for more than just decay and infection; they are a comprehensive look at your entire oral health.
Oral exams are an important part of regular dental care, and it’s recommended that you get one, along with a checkup and cleaning, every 6 months to remove any built up plaque and tartar and to catch any dental abnormalities. Early intervention for dental problems is critical in preventing more severe issues down the road, and oral exams are an opportunity for your dentist to look for small changes in your gums and teeth.
An oral exam will begin much like any other dental or medical appointment, with paperwork about your medical and dental history and some dental images or photos. Then the dentist will check each part of the mouth and throat meticulously and make any necessary recommendations or referrals.
Having a good understanding of your comprehensive medical history is especially important to your dentist because of recent research suggesting that there is a “mouth-body connection.” For example, a patient with gum disease is 40% more likely to suffer from a chronic condition like heart disease or diabetes. If you do have a serious health concern outside of the mouth, this may prompt your dentist to look for particular concerns inside the mouth.
Because oral exams are more comprehensive than a checkup, you can expect to pay slightly more. However, Bright Now! Dental offers a variety of ways to help you afford necessary care like oral exams. In addition to accepting a long list of insurances as well as CareCredit, we’re currently offering a new patient special, with $59 exams and digital x-rays. You can also take advantage of our OneSmile Dental Plan, which provides free exams and x-rays as well as discounts on all dental services for one low annual fee. Call 1-844-400-7645 to find out more!
With our affordable services, flexible scheduling and multiple convenient locations, Bright Now! Dental makes it easy for you to get quality care that fits your budget and schedule. In addition to our comprehensive oral exams, we also offer a wide range of dental treatments including regular checkups and cleanings. Call us today or schedule your appointment online! Let the friendly, professional team Bright Now! Dental help make sure you have a healthy smile that will last a lifetime!