Periodontal Disease: Affordable Treatment with Deep Cleaning

The American Dental Association reports that nearly half of the US Population over the age of 30 is affected by gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. Around 46% of adults have periodontitis, representing around 65 million people. Depending on how far periodontal disease has developed, the best way to receive treatment for gum disease is with a professional teeth cleaning.
If you are looking for a gum disease cure, our friendly staff at Bright Now Dental makes it easy to book an appointment online, including same day appointments. In the meanwhile, we’ve paired with top dentists to better understand how a deep cleaning may be the gum disease cure you’ll need to keep your smile happy and healthy. Without this fundamental understanding of proper oral hygiene, it may be difficult to comprehend just how gum disease can develop.
While there are different stages of gum disease – gingivitis, periodontitis, and advanced periodontitis – they all stem from a lack of proper oral hygiene. This can mean something as simple as brushing twice a day, and flossing correctly once a day. Combined with poor diet, it can be quite easy for patients to develop some form of periodontal disease quicker than they may have thought. Depending on how far along the gum disease has developed, treatment with a teeth cleaning may be the only option you can consider. Getting advice from a professional dentist is the only way to diagnose exactly what stage of gum disease you may be at, and what steps you can take for curing gum disease, or at least treat it and prevent it from worsening.
If your gum disease has advanced into periodontitis, going back to a state of purely healthy gums will be unattainable. Once gingivitis has advanced into the second stage of gum disease, periodontitis, it’s impossible to get the gums back to their original, healthy state. This is why catching gum disease early on at your next teeth cleaning is imperative. Having regular teeth cleaning appointments with your hygienist are one of the best ways to prevent damage to your gums that can be permanent. However, whatever stage of gum disease you may or may not be at, treating gum disease will come from a root planing and scaling – also known as deep teeth cleaning.
If you are a patient that has developed some form of periodontal disease, you can take a sigh of relief knowing you’re in good hands at Bright Now Dental. Our staff serve as experts in all things related to oral care, and will have a few treatment options you can consider for whatever stage of gum disease has come about. Patients can also take comfort knowing they have treatment options at a very affordable rate because of our convenient financing and payment plans.
Teeth Cleaning vs. Deep Cleaning
Once you’ve been diagnosed with gum disease, it’s important to understand the difference between a teeth cleaning and a deep cleaning. A regular teeth cleaning is where the hygienist is able to focus the cleaning of the teeth on the outer surfaces and between teeth above the gum line. This is usually done as general maintenance of the teeth, but does not go as far as deep cleaning. A dental deep cleaning is a great treatment for gum disease that has already advanced. This type of cleaning focuses on plaque that has formed into tartar on the tooth enamel, both above and below the gum line.
Gum Disease Treatment
Deep cleaning, also known as scaling and root planing, is a procedure used to remove areas of the gum line that have become infected. This can happen when patients have neglected routine brushing and flossing as part of their at home dental care. When this happens, plaque will regularly build up below the gum line. After time, the plaque will calcify and harden into a substance called tartar. Tartar cannot be removed with regular brushing and flossing, and the dentist must perform a deep cleaning to scrape this from the tooth’s enamel. Having tartar under the gum line allows a place for bacteria to collect, causing an infection that leads to painful inflammation of the gums. If left untreated, the infection will advance into periodontitis, where the gum tissue and bone begin to weaken and deteriorate. At this stage of gum disease, it can result in loose teeth, or even the loss of the entire tooth itself.
During a deep cleaning procedure, you can expect your dentist or hygienist to remove deep pockets of infection below the gum line. Because this can be a fairly invasive process, patients are typically given a local anesthetic to numb the area of the gum line being treated. Any kind of plaque, tartar, or debris is removed both above and below the gum line during treatment. The provider performing the deep cleaning will use surgical instruments to remove the substances causing the infection, and sometimes even an ultrasonic scaler. Afterwards, the provider will shape, or ‘plane’, the root of the tooth. This creates a smooth surface which will make cleaning the tooth enamel much easier, and can help prevent plaque from collecting in the area. Depending on how bad the infection has gotten, the procedure is generally performed in two sessions, and sometimes repeated a few more times to stabilize the gum disease and prevent it from worsening.
Recovery from Deep Cleaning
After deep cleaning, it’s normal to feel some type of soreness along the gum line. As deep teeth cleaning is a more invasive procedure than a regular cleaning, your dentist may also prescribe antibiotics to stave off any infection that can happen as your gums begin to heal themselves. If you are experiencing any kind of discomfort, your dentist may also recommend over-the-counter pain medication to ease any irritation.
Your local dentist at Bright Now Dental will recommend aftercare treatment that’s specific to you and your needs. Some dentists may also recommend using a warm salt water rinse to aid the healing process and reduce any inflammation in the gums.
As your gums may be sore, meals after your deep cleaning treatment should consist of soft foods and an avoidance of foods that can easily get stuck within the gums like candy or popcorn. It’s also suggested to avoid the use of tobacco products for at least 72 hours following your deep cleaning. The use of tobacco can often inhibit the gums from healing, and increase the risk for infection of the gums.
After your deep teeth cleaning procedure, it’s important to continue with regular brushing and flossing. This kind of regular, routine at-home care is a great way of following up on the deep cleaning that was done, and keeping the mouth free of any debris that can cause infection in the future. After about a week following the scaling and root planing, inflammation, redness, and bleeding of the gums should slow down as long as good oral hygiene is practiced at home. The more care that’s put into brushing and flossing teeth on a daily basis, the less likely it is for gum disease to recur. Generally, your dentist will schedule a follow up appointment to perform a pocket reading and assess the state of your gums.
Dentist Near Me
If you think it’s time for a deep cleaning, or just simply would like your local dentist at Bright Now Dental to diagnose the healthiness of your gums, you can schedule an appointment online or call now at 1-844-400-7645. Because we have several treatment options to consider, you’re bound to find an affordable deep cleaning option that works for you and your gums. Let our staff take the worry from your mind and mouth, and leave you with healthy, happy gums that last a lifetime!