10 Teeth Cleaning Tips to Prevent Toothache

If you have a toothache, or have suffered from one in the past, finding a toothache remedy (and fast) is the key to relief. However, finding the right toothache remedy can be difficult, and toothache pain isn’t something you should ever ignore. The best way to rid toothaches altogether lies within prevention. Proper oral hygiene and routine dentist checkups with teeth cleanings at your Bright Now office are necessary to ensure a toothache isn’t in your future.
If you’ve found yourself with a painful toothache and are searching for a “dentist near me”, there’s an emergency dentist on staff at every Bright Now location. Toothaches can become extremely troublesome, and it’s important to understand what causes a toothache and how you can prevent them to keep your health care affordable.
What are toothaches?
We all know having a toothache is a literal pain. Having a toothache can mean experiencing tenderness, soreness, or sharp pain in and around your tooth or teeth. The level of pain you experience with a toothache can vary from person to person, as do their causes. At the most basic level, a toothache is indicating a problem with your oral health, including the tooth itself or your gums. The pain you experience is subjective to you and the cause behind your toothache.
What causes a toothache?
There are many causes for toothache pain, which is why it’s best to visit your local dentist office to receive an expert opinion on properly treating your toothache.
- Sensitivity
- Some minor toothache pain can be attributed to sensitive teeth, sometimes worsened when consuming hot or cold food or beverages. Another reason for some sensitivity in teeth can be due to sinus problems. Usually in cases where the sinus is causing toothache pain, the pain can often be confined to the maxillary teeth at the top of one’s mouth. In these cases, there is usually pain associated in more than one tooth.
- Tooth Decay
- Tooth decay is another leading source of toothache pain. Having a toothache can be a possible indication that you have a cavity or tooth decay. This is also true when experiencing sensitivity to sweet, hot or cold foods or drinks, or pain associated with chewing. Tooth decay signifies a cavity in the enamel, and depending on how severe, the exposure of the nerve of your tooth.
- Bruxism
- Bruxism, otherwise known as teeth grinding, can also cause toothache pain. Consistently grinding your teeth can cause tooth sensitivity over time. Grinding teeth can be caused by several issues including stress, or a misaligned bite. If you think you might be grinding your teeth, consult your Bright Now! dentist for various treatment options.
What does a toothache feel like?
Toothaches are never a desirable tooth concern. It’s important to know if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms to describe to your dentist:
- A severe ache
- A constant throbbing pain that is inside or around a tooth
- An intense pain if the tooth is touched or used to bite down
- A stinging or tingling pain from exposure to hot and cold
- A burning or shocking pain
Toothache Remedy
If you are sensing a toothache, the worst thing to do is to ignore the pain or decide not to seek help from a dental professional. A toothache is generally a signal that you are experiencing an issue with your oral health. There are different degrees of toothache pain, and some are more serious than others. If your toothache pain is unbearable, and you need to seek immediate dental attention, your local Bright Now dentist offers emergency dental care, including special service hours.
Seeking proper attention will mean more immediate toothache relief, and can save you from a dental disaster in the future. You can look to over-the-counter medication for temporary toothache relief, but a proper toothache remedy and diagnosis should be done by our professional staff. If you’ve stumbled upon this article for preventative care, you’ll find that good oral hygiene and routine teeth cleanings are a sure way of protecting your smile against a future toothache.
Teeth Cleaning to Avoid Toothaches
Toothaches are fairly common, and it’s important to know what steps you can take to decrease your chances of experiencing one. Good dental hygiene starts with your daily teeth cleaning routines and professional dentist check-ups.
- Brush teeth regularly. Brushing your teeth a minimum of twice daily with fluoride toothpaste is a good way to clean your teeth from any plaque buildup that can lead to tooth decay and gum disease associated with toothache pain. The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends you brush your teeth for at least two minutes each session. Brushing your teeth after every meal or snack will also improve oral hygiene and plaque removal.
- Floss your teeth regularly. Following regular brushing, flossing (oft forgotten) improves oral hygiene and prevents a toothache. Food particles and plaque can often build up in hard to reach areas that brushing frequently leaves behind. Flossing ensures you reach these tough spots, and leave your teeth free of bacteria that causes toothache. Make sure you floss between both teeth and gum lines for the most effective results.
- Make a your dental checkup routine. Dental checkups and oral exams should be done at least twice a year, and can often depend on your individual needs. If you haven’t visited the dentist in awhile, or are searching for a “dentist near me”, you can visit our professional staff at Bright Now! Dental for a routine teeth cleaning that can aid you in both prevention of a toothache, or a toothache remedy itself.
- Fluoride treatments. Fluoride treatments are a way to help strengthen the enamel on your teeth, lessening your chances for a cavity to occur. You can find fluoride by drinking your public tap water, as most municipalities incorporate fluoride in public drinking water. You can also purchase fluoride in over the counter mouthwash. For stronger options, talk to your Bright Now! Dental professional for prescription fluoride if needed.
- Add healthy foods to your diet. One way to keep your teeth clean, strong, and healthy is by consuming foods that are good for your teeth. This means eating foods that are low in sugar content and high in nutritional value. This includes raw fruits and vegetables, and cheese. Try to avoid foods with added sugar, as they can increase your risk for cavities. If you have children, try to avoid foods like candies that require sucking, or beverages with excess sugar.
- Dental sealants. Dental sealants are a preventative measure for a toothache remedy that lasts. These sealants are used to cover nooks and crannies of your teeth where plaque can build up. Sealants can last a long time, and if they are properly cared for are a great way to prevent toothaches.
- Clean your tongue. Often forgotten as part of your oral health, keeping your tongue clean is a great way to help prevent toothaches. Cleaning your tongue regularly removes harmful bacteria from your mouth. You can use a tongue scraper after regularly brushing as a way to incorporate healthy oral habits. A bonus – it usually helps with freshening breath!
- Use a fresh toothbrush. You should be changing out your toothbrush every three months, or as soon as it begins to show signs of wear such as frayed bristles. This is also true for electronic toothbrushes that use disposable, interchangeable heads. Using a new toothbrush ensures the bristles are working at their best to remove harmful bacteria and plaque.
- Gargle with salt water. Using a saltwater solution to clean your mouth can help with instant toothache relief as it can often reduce inflammation of the gums.
- Make an appointment. Contact your nearest dentist office for a consultation about toothaches. If you are experiencing a toothache, or are just curious as to how you can best prevent one, a professional opinion is always best.
Dentist Near Me
Make an appointment for an oral exam or professional teeth cleaning with our friendly Bright Now staff. We make it easy to book an appointment online, and can accommodate same day visits for patients with dental emergencies. Ensure you’re receiving the best in oral health care and toothache prevention – give us a call at 1-844-400-7645 today.